Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bella in the Snow... and Mud

As we know from previous posts, Bella loves playing in the snow! So I let her outside in my parents backyard to play for awhile this morning. What I wasn't thinking about was how much Bella also loves to dig. And snow plus dirt makes mud! This is how we found her:

How can you get mad at that?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More Pictures of Our Growing Baby

You can see the baby's head on the left and its little arms and legs sticking up on the right.

This time you can see its head on the right. You can almost see the outline of its little face!

Do you see its little hands and fingers?!?

You can see in the video the baby moving its arms and legs. It even gets the hiccups! So cute already!

Baby's Heartbeat

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Please Vote!

Please vote on the poll over to the right for whether Baby Ellison will be a boy or a girl. I can't see who votes for what... I am just curious to see what you all think! Thanks! Hopefully we will have some real results in the next few weeks!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Moving Baby!

I hadn't done an ultrasound since we saw the heartbeat at the dr's office a few weeks ago. So my friends and I decided to peek at work last night (one of the perks of being an L&D nurse), and see if there were any changes... and boy has this baby grown! It actually looks like a baby now! It has 2 arms, 2 legs, and was moving all over the place! So wonderful! It made it feel so much more real!
Here is one shot we got... it's my favorite because you can see its little hands and feet all sticking up! Head is at the bottom, hands and feet in the air.

Here is a little video we got. The quality is horrible, and all the action is in the first 15 seconds. But you can see this little baby moving around! Wow!