Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Pictures of Baby Ellison

Look at these pictures of our precious baby! It is moving all over, but I still can't feel it. And we are anxiously waiting until we find out if it is a boy or girl! We can hardly wait to start buying pink or blue things! So exciting! You can see its little legs stretched up in the air. It is about 4 inches long, and she measured its little foot today and said it is 1 centimeter long! So tiny yet so big too!

And here is the first 3D ultrasound of our beautiful baby! You can see it's hand up in front of its face! What a miracle to see it growing!

1 comment:

  1. Lynda, I am so excited for you all! What a sweet time this is! You may already know this trick but...some friends told us about how we could see Brock moving before Stan actually feel lay a saucer on your belly and watch it move. It is so crazy to see the saucer rocking all over your belly!
