Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Latest

Wow, it has been a crazy last 3 weeks. Here is what is going on... Our contract with our realtor expired on June 30. So our plan was to ride out the contract, then take the house off the market until after Laurie Kate got here. Well, on June 29, we got an offer! Not the timing we would have chosen, but PRAISE GOD anyways! The original closing date was going to be July 29, 11 days before baby's due date. Yikes! With baby on the way, my parents graciously offered to let us move in with them until things settle down. So, last Wednesday night, we loaded up our bed and the baby's crib and took them to Mom and Dad's. We will be staying there until after Laurie Kate arrives. They have lots of space, so we have our own nice big bedroom and bathroom! It's great! Breck keeps asking why, with a pool outside our door, cable tv, and a Harley in the garage, we are ever planning on leaving?! We are moving all the rest of our stuff (that's not already in mom and dad's basement)into a storage unti until we get a house. I have been frantically packing and toting boxes (with the help of mom and some freinds) trying to get everything out except for the furniture. This Saturday is our official moving day to empty out the condo. I have recruited some cleaning help, so hopefully when we leave on Saturday we will be done! Thank goodness! We moved the closing date up to next Thursday, July 22. We hope Laurie Kate will wait to make her debut until afterg then... I would really like one weekend to relax before she gets here! So that's the craziness here. We are always keeping our eyes open but aren't actively looking for a house until after she arrives and we get to enjoy her for awhile. It has really worked out well to not have to rush to find a place. We can take our time, find a house that we love, paint it, and get it all ready before moving in. God knows what He's doing. :) I will post some pictures of our new living space as soon as I make it look presentable. Then soon afterwards, we will have pictures of the baby! Can't wait! Stay tuned...

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